Need to be able to edit/modify a violation that has been entered.
Mark Powell
At this time, once a violation is entered, it is not possible to edit or modify the dates or any of the text as part of the violation. It would make this much user friendly to be able to do this, as it is not always possible to get the violation entered correctly with the initial attempt. The alternative is to destroy the violation and have to re-enter it all over again.
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Tammy Angrisani
We absolutely agree. Additionally, when a homeowner hasn’t cured the violation by the cure date it would be more efficient to be able to select a radio button that duplicates the violation as unresolved and is automatically escalated to a repeat violation vs having to enter a new duplicate violation manually. It’s incredibly time consuming to have to duplicate and enter comments etc when the data is already available.
Paul LaRuffa
This request seems to be same as "Edit feature to violations on the app".
Taylor Gibbon
Do you mean editing a violation during an inspection?
There are many parts of the violation that can be edited from the admin page. The parts that would be MOST helpful to be able to edit would changing the address if an inspector got the wrong house, and adding an additional photo. Sometimes an inspector only adds one or the shot wasnt great, or we need to include an additional angle.
Jinny Teague
Our escalated violation requires 2 different violation amounts. Now we cannot show both in the notice.
Ken B.
This seems like a reasonable request, the sane feature would be great for ARC applications. One could add additional comments and files for more complete documentation and record keeping.