Downloadable Deficiency Report(s)
Dennis McDonald
Hello. This is Dennis McDonald, VP White Oak Village Condominium Association, Inc. and Maintenance Committee Liaison.
I would like to be able to download a spreadsheet of the deficiencies. It would include the following fields: DEF #, Address, Description, Date Created, Vendor Tag, and Status. I would NOT need any added Notes or Photo's.
It would be great if I could be able to pull separate reports that would include ALL, OPEN, RESOLVED and SLEEPING. If that isn't possible I can work with just ALL and do the sort myself.
I don't feel it would be too hard to set this up. Please let me know if this is doable. Thank you.
Dennis McDonald
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Daniel Westendorf
You will now find an export button at the top of the deficiencies list.
Jinny Teague
Definitely needed here.